Note that you will be asked to give a username and password upon registration. This will allow you to submit your abstract at a later stage.
Deadline for abstract submission for the selection of oral and poster presentations: 20th of September
Deadline for registration: 30th of September
General Participants: 350 €
Students*: 250€
Conference Dinner: 80€
The registration fee includes:
Access to scientific sessions, round tables, and plenary talks;
Coffee breaks and lunches during the main conference;
Digital Book of Abstracts.
Booking for conference dinner is made with registration.
Note that the registration fees do not include travel, accommodation and dinner.
The program committee will decide on the allocation of your abstract’s presentation type after the scientific review process has taken place.
Abstracts are to be submitted through the online form. We recommend that you prepare your abstract using a word processor and save the document in the PDF format, maximum 2 pages and 25 MB size. You must ensure the abstract does not exceed a maximum of 200 words.
Abstracts should use Arial or Times New Roman as Font style, size 11-12, justified and 1.5 spacing. The document can include one figure and relevant references as well as authors information.
Submissions that have not followed the guidelines correctly may be returned to the author for resubmission.
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